I really wanted to share a couple of scenarios that I ran across recently. I had some very specific thoughts about each scenario that I witnessed and wanted to see what others thought about it. They are as follows:
Scenario #1:
My significant other and I were at a wedding recently. It was a very beautiful wedding and we had an awesome time! We were standing outside socializing with some people at the reception when I noticed a crying child. Throughout my time at this wedding reception I instinctively kept paying attention to this crying child. Her mother was there with her boyfriend and they were both in the vicinity of the child. I quickly realized why the little girl was crying. Her mother was ignoring her. Throughout our time at the reception we discovered that the little girl was only 19 months old. The family had traveled 5 hours to come to this wedding so mom felt like drinking a few beers. Well, it turned out that she had a few too many because she got to the point that she was failing to pay attention to her 19 month old child. The mom kept directing the child to the dance floor and telling her to dance. The boyfriend kept having to be the one to comfort the child when she was trying to get back to her mother. At one point, mom looked at us and said "she just won't leave me alone!" I was instantly sickened! My instant thought was "she is your child and she is not supposed to want to leave you alone!" I was disgusted and could not believe the comments and behavior from the mother. The family ended up leaving within about an hour of me noticing all of this going on.
Scenario #2
Again, my significant other and I were at another social outing. It was a similar setting to the wedding reception as there was food, music, and alcoholic beverages available. We, again, were standing around socializing and we noticed a little girl that was about 12-15 months old walking around. Right behind her we noticed her mother chasing her around. This little girl was obviously very new to walking so she was excited to be in an open and new exciting area! I observed the little girl and her mother for probably about 45 minutes or so. The mother very easily could have joined her friends and been drinking but she made a choice not to do that. She was following her little girl around making sure she was safe and encouraging her to observe her environment and her newfound skill of walking. I instantly was so impressed with this mother that she was taking the time out to have a precious opportunity with her daughter and did not look at her as an inconvenience.
So, what do you think about these two scenarios? I think there is quite a difference and these differences are very obvious. It goes to show that our experiences are based on our choices and our perceptions of our daily situations. Now, as parents, our choices and perceptions affect our children's daily situations. It is vitally important to remember this because you are CONSTANTLY shaping the lives of your children. It does not matter where you are, who you are around, or what temptations you are facing. Your child should always be your primary choice and your priority. Are you a "good mommy" or a "bad mommy"? You have the power to choose!
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